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Jan Ferrer I Picó

Jan Ferrer I Picó

Youth Fellow @ International Youth Think Tank


Jan Ferrer i Picó is a Fellow of the International Youth Think Tank (IYTT), an institution dedicated to enhancing the engagement of young individuals across Europe and the world. The IYTT places a particular emphasis on pioneering initiatives that strive to redefine and invigorate youth participation. As a transitions designer and master’s student of philosophy, Jan is a member of the Government of Catalonia’s youth advisory group on climate change action. Recently, he co-established the Institut pel Futur (Catalan Institute for the Future), a laboratory for projects on futures design. The institute is dedicated to facilitating imaginaries about futures worth living.

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2º panel: Narratives on democracy

This panel will delve into regional conceptions, practices, and narratives on democracy aiming to uncover universal democratic values while acknowledging region-specific nuances and European values that can be enhanced. Through this exploration, the panel seeks to inspire a renewed commitment to democratic principles and foster collective responsibility for strengthening democratic governance.